Navigating the Future: The Top 5 HR Trends for 2024


December 18, 2023

Taryn Hart

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What are the top trends HR leaders should be focusing on in 2024?

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Welcome to the not-so-distant future, where HR isn't just a department but a powerhouse of innovation and strategy. In 2024, the world of HR is evolving faster than you can say "talent acquisition." Let's explore the rollercoaster of HR trends that are set to redefine the way organizations operate and engage with their most valuable asset – their people.

1. Embracing HR technology

In the era of automation and artificial intelligence, it’s more critical now than ever to stay current. You can use HR technology to transform your entire employee experience. From recruitment bots that sift through resumes to virtual reality onboarding experiences that make the first day on the job the most welcoming – the future of HR is digital.  

Rewards and recognition are here to stay

Attracting and retaining top talent is a competitive sport – software solutions can serve as indispensable tools for fostering a culture of appreciation and engagement. More and more organizations are recognizing the  importance of embracing employee rewards and recognition software, like Kudos, as a strategic imperative.  

Through my research and previous partnership with Kudos, I’ve learned that what people really want at work is to be seen and noticed for positive output and outcomes. Beyond a fair salary, recognition is one of the most critical factors for an employee. A platform like Kudos is vital to any organization because it provides an avenue to share gratitude across geographies – and gratitude is a powerful stepping stone in cultivating organizational belonging.” - Rebecca Pound, Manager of Employee Experience at AIMCo.

Modern workforce dynamics demand real-time acknowledgment and celebration of achievements. Kudos streamlines the process but also provides data-driven insights, allowing organizations to identify and amplify positive behaviors that contribute to a thriving workplace. By harnessing the power of such technology, companies not only enhance employee morale and satisfaction but also fortify their employer brand, positioning themselves as forward-thinking organizations. In 2024, recognition software is not just a tool; it's a strategic investment in building a resilient, motivated, and high-performing workforce.

2. Career management and skill development

The corporate ladder is more of a lattice – people are shifting, exploring, and finding new and exciting ways to grow. This means that career management is no longer about climbing a linear ladder but navigating this lattice of opportunities. Leading organizations are becoming talent playgrounds, encouraging employees to swing from one skill branch to another, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability.

Managers are no longer manageable

Gartner’s Top Priorities for HR Leaders in 2024 states that 73% of HR leaders feel their organization’s leaders and managers aren’t equipped to lead change. This means HR leaders need to move away from the traditional one-size-fits-all group training sessions and focus more on the individual “must-have” skills required for managers and leaders to be successful.  

Many traditional roles are becoming obsolete, replaced by emerging positions driven by automation and artificial intelligence. As organizations struggle to identify the right candidates, employees are unsure of where they fit in this evolving landscape. Rather than eliminating existing staff due to mismatched job titles, I believe in investing in their development, identifying their strengths, and providing training opportunities. By understanding and nurturing their talents, individuals can thrive and contribute to the organization in meaningful ways.” - Denise Beaupré, Entrepreneur, Author, Personal Development Coach, and Creative Leadership Mentor.

The business world is continually evolving – the responsibilities in a role a manager was hired to do may have shifted, and that’s okay. Encourage role changes, process improvements, and focused reflection to avoid burnout and keep managers and leaders focused on the impact of their tasks to contribute value to their team and organization.  

3. Amplifying organizational culture

We’ve said it before – organizational culture is more than free snacks and ping pong tables. Organizations are creating a living, breathing culture that aligns with the company's values and engages employees on a deep, meaningful level. Flexibility, inclusivity, and purpose-driven work are the new buzzwords, and organizations are no longer afraid to wear their cultural quirks like badges of honor.

Keeping employees connected

Culture connectedness has become a major challenge for organizations everywhere – especially with remote and hybrid work becoming the norm – and preference. The key is to enable employees to connect with their company culture wherever they are. Equipped teams with the ability to create emotional connections with each other and establish microcultures. Ensure your organization's values align with your culture, infuse culture initiatives throughout every level on your organization and embrace all technology that allows your teams to stay connected.  

In everything we do, including our partnership with Kudos, the focus is on ensuring our values are front and center for all employees. Recognizing and rewarding people for living those values using Kudos cements a lot of the things we’re trying to accomplish. We’re using that lever to get our culture to stick.” - John Odike, Vice President of Human Resources at Wesley Enhanced Living.

4. Experimenting with Generative AI

No one can enter 2024 without seeing the buzzword  popping up everywhere: Generative AI, also known as GenAI. GenAI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that can (literally) produce anything you need in seconds. Whether that’s various content, writing pieces, imagery, video, audio, development code, or just a simple chocolate chip cookie recipe, GenAI is becoming increasingly popular everywhere.  

A recent survey reported that 79% of respondents noticed an increase in productivity and efficiency when implementing GenAI into their workforce. It’s being called the “workplace sidekick” and for HR professionals this could mean using AI to predict trends, foresee employee needs, and recommend strategies before you even realize you need them.  

5. Improving overall employee experience

The employee experience refers to the overall interactions, perceptions, and feelings that an employee has throughout their entire journey within an organization. It isn't just about perks; it's about the entire journey from onboarding to retirement. It's about creating a work environment where employees feel valued, supported, and inspired. From personalized learning paths to culture initiatives, the focus is on the holistic well-being of the workforce.

Better employee experience equals reduced turnover

McLean & Company addressed several key areas in their 2024 HR Trends report and one of them was the correlation between employee experience and turnover. Their report stated that organizations with poorly designed employee experience face 36% higher rates of voluntary turnover compared to those with HR initiatives that succeed in this area.

Flexibility doesn’t just mean remote work

Flexibility for employees extends far beyond merely offering the option to work remotely. While remote work is a significant component, a truly flexible work environment considers a broader spectrum of arrangements that cater to diverse needs. It involves adapting to varied working hours, compressed workweeks, job sharing, and providing autonomy in task management.  

Recognizing that employees have unique preferences and life circumstances; a more flexible approach allows individuals to tailor their work structures to align with their personal lives and productivity rhythms. It not only fosters a healthier work-life balance but also acknowledges the importance of individual well-being, contributing to increased job satisfaction and overall organizational success.  

Here’s to HR

HR is not merely a department; it's the heart of innovation and strategy, propelling organizations towards success. The decisions HR leaders make today can impact their organization’s business outcomes and brand for years to come.  

As we all collectively try and navigate the future, remember: HR isn't just about managing resources; it's about unleashing the full potential of your greatest asset – your people.

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About Kudos

Kudos is an employee engagement, culture, and analytics platform, that harnesses the power of peer-to-peer recognition, values reinforcement, and open communication to help organizations boost employee engagement, reduce turnover, improve culture, and drive productivity and performance. Kudos uses unique proprietary methodologies to deliver essential people analytics on culture, performance, equity, and inclusion, providing organizations with deep insights and a clear understanding of their workforce.

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