Prominence Health Drives Performance with Kudos

Case Study
Healthcare Services
Prominence Health Plan


Prominence Health Plan

Nevada-based Prominence Health Plan provides coverage to fully insured, self-funded, and Medicare Advantage members in Florida, Nevada, and Texas.


Healthcare Services

Kudos Programs


Reno, Nevada (HQ)


450+ Employees

Building a High-Performance Workforce by Scaling Culture

As Prominence continues to grow, scaling culture is challenging – but critical. After completing an internal culture assessment, the feedback from the team showed a lack of appreciation, and uncertainty surrounding change and growth.

In order to manage growth and performance simultaneously, Prominence wanted to update its existing recognition platform to one that could support its unique needs.

Kudos is a massive differentiator for us when it comes to culture. It’s an anchoring point for the work we’re doing to improve employee engagement. If you don’t have an engagement platform, you are missing out on a profound opportunity to impact your employee engagement and culture.

Kamal Jemmoua


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Prominence Health Drives Performance with Kudos