Your Kudos recognition platform includes leadership dashboards that provide you with one place to engage with your team. We have simplified what you need to do as a leader to ensure your team feels valued and remains engaged and motivated in their work.
This is just the beginning. We recommend bookmarking this page, so you never miss out on insights and resources to help you lead.
You’ll find your Manager Dashboards in the web browser version of Kudos in your menu on the left-hand side of your platform.
The Manager Dashboard is where you will see your activity as a leader. Ensuring your team members know they are meeting your expectations through recognition is key to maintaining employee engagement and motivation. If you observe quality work from anyone – let them know you think so.
Reach refers to the individuals who have received recognition during a specific time. This first data point shares the reach rate of people leaders of their direct, and indirect team members. The indirect report reach will only be visible to leaders of leaders.
This highlights the values and qualities you have chosen to include in your recognition messages to your team. Scroll over the values and qualities circle to show the breakdown of each quality or value.
This dashboard will show what value or quality you recognize the most, or the least. These results may help you identify which value or quality you recognize more over others and become an opportunity to appreciate different skillsets within your team.
This is where you will see your own recognition behaviours towards each of your team members and easily act by clicking the Give Recognition button on each line. The colour coding reflects Kudos’ recommendation for a manager to aim to send two recognition messages per month to each of their team members.
For leaders of leaders, the blue Team Details button opens the same dashboard you have for yourself, but for the leaders who report to you. You can use this dashboard to support them in their own recognition behaviours to motivate and engage their teams.
While the Manager Dashboard outlines your recognition activity as a leader, the Team Dashboard gives insights into recognition behaviour across your team. This dashboard shows all the members within your entire team by default. You can use the Manager filter to drill into specific teams.
Activation rate is whether a person on your team who has been invited to the platform, has activated their account or not.
Recognition Participation rate is the number of people in your entire downline or based on the filter who is sending recognition.
Recognition reach rate is the same as what you saw on your own dashboard, only represents your entire downline, or the individuals based on the filter you select above, who have received recognition.
You can click Learn More to review the specific individuals who are activated, participating and reached – or not.
On the right side will be a month-over-month trend of the past twelve months in recognition sent or received. Are the numbers staying the same? Trending up or down? What might be happening on your team to improve or detract from their morale or motivation?
As you scroll the dashboard you will see Values Sent and Values Received of your entire team, or those based on the filter you select at the top.
Team Leaderboards are based on the number of recognition messages individuals in your team have sent or received. Here you can identify your recognition superstars! Feel free to send your own recognition message recognizing the top senders and receivers for how they contribute to your team’s culture and morale (senders) and performance (receivers).