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Earth Day Initiatives

This year, Earth Day falls on Saturday, April 22. Although you may not be in the office for Earth Day, that’s no reason not to celebrate! Below are a few ideas for ways you can commemorate Earth Day in the office, as well as conservation suggestions for a more efficient year.

Earth Day Initiatives

This year, Earth Day falls on Saturday, April 22. Although you may not be in the office for Earth Day, that’s no reason not to celebrate! Below are a few ideas for ways you can commemorate Earth Day in the office, as well as conservation suggestions for a more efficient year.

Work in the Dark!

Okay, maybe not. A simple way to conserve energy is to turn off the lights over lunch and when leaving a room. Additionally, ensure that everyone turns off their devices before the weekend to amplify conservation efforts. Creating an Eco-Wise Badge in Kudos is an excellent way to recognize those who are doing their preservation part.

Bring in Plants

Pick up some desk plants and vases, and have a vase-decorating party. Having office plants can increase happiness, workplace satisfaction, focus, and air quality. It’s also a great way to spruce up the office, convey your Earth Day dedication, and live your core values. We use bamboo plants at our office, they’re low maintenance and release 35% more oxygen than trees!

Host a Photography Competition

Another wonderful way to have visual reminders in your office is to have a nature-themed photography competition for all your budding photographers. This is a fun way to showcase what Earth Day aims to protect, and the photos can then be framed and hung in the office to further demonstrate your team’s talent. The pictures can then be highlighted in the Kudos Image Widget or in a Page.

Donate to Your Parks

To ensure that your Parks remain pristine - donate! There are programs to donate money and/or time to Municipal, Provincial/State, or National Parks. In Kudos, your organization can create a donation matching Custom Reward for one of these programs, or users can redeem their points for a day or afternoon away to volunteer. If your organization does not use points, the company can donate one dollar for every recognition message sent over a specified timeframe - this has the added benefit of more recognition!

Spring Clean

Spring cleaning doesn’t just have to relate to organizing your desk. Consider making changes to your office such as replacing incandescent lights with LED, start a composting program, and/or updating any old appliances with new energy efficient ones. Remember to recycle while spring cleaning, and dispose of electronics properly. While this isn’t necessarily fun, it is important.

Ask for Ideas

Your teammates have great ideas, too. Ask for their ideas through a survey or poll for other initiatives you can run internally. As an incentive, enter everyone who provides feedback in a draw for passes to local conservation highlight (i.e. Provincial Park). If you would like help with creating a survey or poll in Kudos, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Team Time

While we should of course take some time for conservation and reflection, there’s nothing quite like getting outside to really appreciate the planet. If your team would like to stretch its legs this Earth Day, here are four ideas for outside of the office activities.

1. Cleanup the Community

This can be your local park or the area surrounding your office. Planning this project with the other organizations can encourage camaraderie, build connections, make for a great photo op to share in Kudos, and of course, aid in the effort.

2. Hug a Tree

Or plant one. Planting a tree shows your commitment to our planet, and acts as a visual reminder of the organization’s ongoing efforts. Planting a tree every year also makes for a wonderful Earth Day tradition, further embedding the eco-consciousness value in your culture.

3. Start a Community Garden

Harness your teammates’ green thumbs and start a community garden, or begin contributing to the local one. As a bonus, when the fruits and veggies are ripe, you can organize a barbeque with the ingredients that were grown by your team.

4. Walk and Talk

Appreciate the planet and each other. A great way to add a Health and Wellness initiative to your Earth Day program is to launch a Walk and Talk program. Pick a partner, or go as a team, and take a short walk to get some fresh air, appreciate the outdoors, and get to know your teammates. Just like the power of a single step, this program is extremely impactful on office culture and morale. It also happens to be something we do at the Kudos office!  

If you would like to share additional ways to commemorate Earth Day or amplify office conservation efforts, we would love to hear from you! Please let us know at support@kudosnow.com.

About Kudos®

Kudos® is an employee engagement, culture, and analytics platform, that harnesses the power of peer-to-peer recognition, values reinforcement, and open communication to help organizations boost employee engagement, reduce turnover, improve culture, and drive productivity and performance. Kudos® uses unique proprietary methodologies to deliver essential people analytics on culture, performance, equity, and inclusion, providing organizations with deep insights and a clear understanding of their workforce.

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