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Kudos en Español!

As we look to expand our business internationally, it has become vital that users have the ability to use Kudos in other languages besides English. As of April 3rd, 2012, Kudos accounts can be set to either English or Spanish. Don't worry French Canadians, Germans, Scandinavians... we will be adding more languages as we go along and demands arise!

Kudos en Español!

We here at Kudos Inc. are proud to announce that our program is now available in Spanish!

As we look to expand our business internationally, it has become vital that users have the ability to use Kudos in other languages besides English. As of April 3rd, 2012, Kudos accounts can be set to either English or Spanish. Don't worry French Canadians, Germans, Scandinavians... we will be adding more languages as we go along and demands arise!

Why Spanish and how exactly do I switch my Kudos to Spanish? You can do this in one of two ways: 1) As an Admin, you can change the default language for your entire company, and 2) you can set the language for your individual account, regardless of what the company's default is.

For the whys, whats and hows of our exciting announcement... Read on!

Here is a quick excerpt from our official press release:

"The new features enhance the recognition engine and expand the social network functionality to improve customization, communication and collaboration...

Everyone appreciates a ‘thank you’,” said Tom Short, Kudos Co-Founder. “When you receive a Kudos message it makes a big impact, and now with the ability to thank anyone, Kudos has become an even more powerful tool for business.

Spanish Kudos has opened the doors for recognition and engagement in Latin America. In a recent survey by Aon Hewitt on “Global Trends in Employee Engagement,” recognition once again ranked as one of the most important engagement drivers in Latin America, more than in any other region in the world. Spanish Kudos addresses a key need for all Latin American employers and effectively doubles their market opportunity."

Moreover, according to the AON Hewitt survey mentioned in the press release, recognition has been among the top five engagement drivers for three consecutive years, coming in second of most importance in 2010:

"Over the years, we have seen employees [in Latin America] more openly expressing their desire to be recognized according to their contributions—through differentiated rewards, opportunities for growth, and feedback from their manager (both positive and constructive). This trend is challenging employers across the region to rethink the traditional people and rewards practices—from a focus on equality (treating everybody the same) to equity (treating and rewarding people fairly according to their contributions)."

Kudos addresses this Latin American trend perfectly through various features on the program. It gives the ability for anyone, whether they work in the mail room or the executive suite, to send a note of gratitude and appreciation to anyone, whether the recipient is a friendly receptionist or an inspiring CEO, in the company. Everyone in the company has a voice, and an empowerment to give personal insights as often as they wish. Supervisors can see and track all recognition given and received from anyone to anyone, which aids in employee performance reviews with insights that supervisors may have never noticed before or perceived their importance.

We look forward to extending our reach to Latin America, this fantastic and growing economic region, by launching Kudos in Spanish.

How to change the language in Kudos for your entire company:

  1. Go to 'Admin'
  2. Click on the 'Customize', the third tab from the left
  3. 'Language', third tab down
  4. Click on 'English' and select 'Spanish'
  5. Click 'save'.

How to change the language on just your Kudos account:

  1. Go to 'My Settings'
  2. Under 'Change Your Language', click on 'English' and select 'Spanish'.
  3. Click 'save'.

This is roughly what it will look like after you change it to Spanish:

If you happen to run into any bugs or glitches, please don't hesitate to submit a ticket, or even email me personally with questions.

Que te vaya bien!

About Kudos®

Kudos® is an employee engagement, culture, and analytics platform, that harnesses the power of peer-to-peer recognition, values reinforcement, and open communication to help organizations boost employee engagement, reduce turnover, improve culture, and drive productivity and performance. Kudos® uses unique proprietary methodologies to deliver essential people analytics on culture, performance, equity, and inclusion, providing organizations with deep insights and a clear understanding of their workforce.

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