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25 Low-cost Ways to Thank Employees

Have you thought about ways to thank your employees this Thanksgiving? It's natural to think of our family and friends first, but let's not overlook our dedicated colleagues this season. Show sincere appreciation to those who make your work life easier and more enjoyable.

25 Low-cost Ways to Thank Employees

Have you thought about ways to thank your employees this Thanksgiving? It's natural to think of our family and friends first, but let's not overlook our dedicated colleagues this season. Show sincere appreciation to those who make your work life easier and more enjoyable. They will love you for it! Are you not sure how to thank them? Kevin Kruse wrote an article on Forbes.com this past Employee Appreciation Day (March 1, 2013) with great ideas and low-cost ways to thank employees. In case you missed it, take another opportunity to read it and borrow ideas to Thank Different® this Thanksgiving week!

25 Low-cost Ways to Thank Employees

Research shows that feeling appreciated—which comes from recognition from others—is one of the top three drivers of employee engagement. The best news is that showing appreciation doesn’t have to cost a lot of time or money. So in honor of Employee Appreciation Day, here are 25 no or low-cost ways to recognize your colleagues:

  1. A sincere word of thanks costs nothing and is very effective.
  2. Post a thank you note on their door in their honor.
  3. Throw a pizza party or cake party in their honor.
  4. Create a simple “ABCD” card that are given when someone goes “Above the Call of Duty”.
  5. Give a long-lunch, extra break, or comp time.
  6. Write about them in a company-wide email.
  7. Honour them at the start of the next staff meeting (recognize someone at the start of every staff meeting).
  8. Post a “thank you” sign in the lobby with their name on it.
  9. Gift them flowers, a book, or other small gifts.
  10. Invite them to a one-on-one lunch.
  11. Give them a card with lottery tickets inside.
  12. Give them a card with movie tickets inside.
  13. Give them a card with a Starbucks gift certificate.
  14. Have the entire team sign a framed photo or certificate of appreciation.
  15. Arrange for a boss several levels up to stop by to say thanks.
  16. Send a thank you note or gift basket to their spouse.
  17. Arrange to have their car washed.
  18. Arrange to have their home cleaned.
  19. Let them bring their pet to work.
  20. Buy a dozen donuts and announce to the department that they are in the honorees' office, they should stop by to say hi and get one.
  21. Feature them in the company newsletter.
  22. Pick an unusual or funny object and place it on their desk for a week.
  23. Let them dress casually for a day.
  24. Have entire team honour them with a standing ovation at the start of the next staff meeting.
  25. Offer to swap a task with them for a day or week.

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Kudos® is an employee engagement, culture, and analytics platform, that harnesses the power of peer-to-peer recognition, values reinforcement, and open communication to help organizations boost employee engagement, reduce turnover, improve culture, and drive productivity and performance. Kudos® uses unique proprietary methodologies to deliver essential people analytics on culture, performance, equity, and inclusion, providing organizations with deep insights and a clear understanding of their workforce.

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